Preparing your pet for travel:
Crate requirements
Importance of travel crate acclimation
It’s very important to make sure your pet is accustomed to being in a crate designed for airline travel, which is different from a wire training or sleeping crate.
Each pet in the crate must have enough space to stand, turn around normally while standing, sit up and lie down in a natural position.
Examples of acceptable crate
Examples of unacceptable crate
Crate Ventilation:
Each crate must have ventilation.
Crate Must:
- Be made of rigid plastic, wood or metal that’s sturdy enough to resist bending when firm pressure is applied.
- Have a solid roof with no doors or ventilation openings.
- Have only one metal door which must close securely, yet allow pets to be accessible in the event of an emergency.
- Have crate hardware that’s in good working condition.
- Have a nut and bolt firmly tightened in each hole that connects the top and bottom of the crate. The bolt must be made of metal. The nut may be metal, nylon or plastic as long as the nut is unbreakable and securely connects the top and bottom of the crate.
The crate must not:
- Have door openings on top, or have more than one door.
- Be made entirely of cardboard, welded or wire mesh, wicker or other collapsible materials.
- Have a plastic or fiberglass door.
- Have side plastic latches, unless additional holes have been drilled and metal bolts have been added to secure the crate.
- Have crate wheels, unless they are removed, locked or firmly taped to keep the crate from rolling while in transit.
- Be constructed of plastic that will bend when pressure is applied.
Examples of unacceptable crate that bends under pressure.